Saddle Mountain Lookout Signage Caution

The lower lakeshore road from the Arrow Park Ferry to the Saddle Mountain FSR is now closed until mid-September. It can still be accessed from the north. If you do hike this trail in the next few weeks, please be aware that the signage is out-of-date and incomplete. The Trailhead sign pictured here is for the lower parking lot and the old, original trailhead that was used before the blown-down event a few years ago. This trail is still open and in good shape. However a new, upper parking lot and trailhead can be accessed by driving another 2.2 km further to the south and up, or to the left as you are looking at this sign. There are arrows pointing in this direction but no sign clearly indicating a second, upper parking lot. Regardless of the trailhead you start walking from (upper or lower), please take careful note of the trail intersection when you pass it. It too is marked with arrows but no other information. When coming down the trail make sure you return by the trail you left from...otherwise you will arrive at the wrong parking lot without a vehicle! We will be adding new signs as soon as they are ready! Sorry for any confusion!


Saddle Mountain Group Hike Aug 26.23

Another awesome NACTS Group Hike to the Saddle Mountain Lookout organized by Simone H and joined by Barb C, another one of our directors, and four other enthusiastic hikers. The weather was great and not too smokey, considering the season. Barb C turned the hike into a mini-work bee by carrying up a wood treatment solution to paint on the new Lookout railings.

New Cedar Bench Kuskanax Mtn Summit


A new deluxe cedar bench for Kuskanax Mountain Summit! Hike up from the south trailhead off Vickie's View road if you like climbing (almost 1000 m elevation gain) or the north trailhead off Turner Road for an easier, very pretty hike, but a very rough, slow drive! Either way your efforts will be rewarded. Thanks to Frank K and Bob T for assembling, varnishing, and installing the bench, to Mark H & Corey (the new High Terrain base pilot) for slinging it up, and Travis M & Justin D with Recreation Sites & Trails BC for supplying the bench and covering the helicopter costs!

High Terrain Helicopter &Bench on Kuskanax Mtn

Mark H and the new base pilot Corey lifted the new cedar bench donated by Recreation Sites & Trails BC. Frank K and Bob T will hike up on Friday August 25 to finish the installation on the summit.

A Great Group Hike to Eva Lake July 20.23

Thanks to Simone H for organizing another group hike to beautiful Eva Lake in Revelstoke National Park

A pleasant climb to Kimbol Lake July 15.23

A small but enthusiastic group joined Simone H for a day hike to Kimbol Lake from the Nakusp Hot Springs.

Clearing Cedar Grove Trail August 21

Brian W cleared cedar deadfall and overhanging trees & branches on the Cedar Grove trail and access road. Bob T tagged along for safety backup and tossing branches and bucked logs to the side.

Work Crews on Saddle Mountain July 19.23

Jamie D (with saw), Cedra E (holding railing) and Bob T (taking picture) with the NACTS built new railings for the Saddle Mountain Lookout stairs and entry while a crew from Recreation Sites & Trails BC worked on the trail below, clearing brush and deadfall, repairing signs, improving trail footing and climbs, and generally bringing getting things in shape for a busy year. From left to right Jonnie S, Brennan W, Ben I & Nat F. Thanks for the help!