Trail Condition Report

Have you gone on a trail with bad conditions?
Fill out the form below to let us know.

    Nakusp & Area Community Trails Society


    Please note location(s) of required maintenance or repair using GPS location or trail distance

    Access Road:

    Parking Area:

    Signs and Maps:

    Sign-in Box:

    Outhouse repair or servicing:

    Trail Brushing Required:

    Trail Grading Required:

    Improve Route Finding Markings:

    Windfall/Trees across trail:

    Large Danger Trees leaning toward trail:

    Water Damage or Poor Drainage:

    Steps or Switchbacks Damaged or Eroded:

    Creek or Wetland Crossings damaged or unsafe:

    Trail Shortcuts Across Slope:


    Other Hazards:

    Upload Photo or File (JPEG JPG PNG PDF DOCX XLSX):

    Extra comments?

    Or print the PDF if necessary
    NACTS Trail Report